Wednesday, 03 July 2024

Latest News

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2024. June 28.

Between June 24 and 26, 2024, a delegation from Queen's University Belfast, comprising 17 students and 2 instructors, Christine Brown Wilson and Gary Mitchell, participated in a series of academic and cultural events organized by the Department of Nursing at the Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Studies in Szeged.

2024. June 17.

The University of Szeged hosted the annual summit of EUGLOH, an alliance of nine European universities, between June 11 and 14, 2024. The event was attended by Nobel Prize-winning researchers, including SZTE professor Katalin Karikó, who gave a presentation and held book signings on June 13.

2024. June 14.

The sustainability ranking called THE Impact Rankings is prepared every year by Times Higher Education in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). In the latest ranking published on June 12, 2024, the University of Szeged ranked 43rd in the "Peace, justice and strong institutions" thematic list. In addition, SZTE made great progress in several other subcategories, but it also improved in the overall ranking: it moved up to the 301-400th place, thus taking shared first place in Hungary.

2024. June 11.

Students taking part in a state-funded (including scholarship and part-scholarship) or feepaying full-time undergraduate, master’s or undivided training program who have been, or were - during earlier studies - enrolled for at least two semesters and have earned at least 55 credits, may apply for a National Higher Education Scholarship.

2024. June 07.

The University of Szeged has been ranked 570th by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) in their latest World University Rankings for the Academic Year 2024-25. The institution has improved its position by more than 30 places compared to last year. The Ranking includes eleven Hungarian universities with very tight results among the front runners.

2024. April 30.

Call for student tutors for the 1st semester of2024/2025 academic year to the course Anatomy and Physiology 1.
Deadline for submission is: 7 June 2024

2024. April 26.

The aim of the evening is for our students to get to know, understand and accept each other's culture, to show the characteristics of their country and to give a taste of their national values.

Date: 26 April 2024, 5PM

Location: Pick Aréna Márton Ludányi Academic Hall, Felső Tisza-Part 35., 6723

2024. April 08.

Start your application now to the fall semester of AY 2024/25 of the University of Szeged and explore Coursera for free. We have prepared 3 packages to applicants in order to make the most out of their talents.

2024. February 01.
This program is a personal relationship between an experienced professional and a student. The mentor shares their knowledge and experiences with their mentee (who is interested in the mentor’s profession) for professional progression.
2024. January 30.

Please note that you can apply for the final examination between 9 February 2024 and 29 February 2024.

2023. December 10.

Two Nobel Prize winners from Hungary and the University of Szeged have been awarded the world's most prestigious scientific prize. The mRNA researcher Katalin Karikó, Professor at the University of Szeged, is the first Hungarian woman to receive the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. Ferenc Krausz, who conducted his molecular fingerprinting research in Szeged, is a Nobel Prize winner in physics. Our coverage of the event, which took place at the Stockholm Concert Hall on 10 December 2023, is complemented by exclusive information from our correspondent on the ground.

2023. December 14.

The Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Novi Sad (Serbia) is delighted to invite you to take part in the 4th International School on Psycholinguistics, Neurolinguistics and Clinical Linguistics to be held live on April 15-19, 2024.

Registration: 20 January 2024

2023. October 25.

Participating in educational fairs allows prospective students to attend presentations about the admission proceudure or financial assistance, get to know the student life in Szeged, ask representatives face to face and a lot more.

2023. September 28.

The Leadership of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Studies and the Faculty’s Student Council (HÖK) make the announcement of supporting Student Scientific association (TDK) activity.

2023. September 15.

The exact dates and descriptions of the programmes are available on the webpage.

Date: Friday 29 September 16:00-21:00

Location: ETSZK Building A

2023. September 15.

Come along and let's get moving together!

Date: Wednesday 20 September 2023 9:30

Location: SZTE Sport Centre (Hattyas u 10)

2023. September 13.

Please note that you can apply for the final examination between 18.09.2023 and 06.10.2023.

2023. August 29.

We would like to kindly inform you that the Orientation day and the Ceremonial Freshmen's Pledge of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Studies will be held on 7th September 2023 at 8:30 a.m.

Address: Szeged, 31 Temesvári krt. (Classroom 124)

2023. September 05.

The Korean Embassy and KOTRA in Hungary are organizing a K-arrier Nap event, which will connect the prominent graduates from Hungarian universities with Korean Companies in Hungary.

2023. August 30.

The University of Szeged within the frame of Erasmus+ program announces a call for application for the 2023/2024 academic year.

2023. August 28.

Summer's almost over and we are bringing you the latest news on what happened during the summer holidays! We hope you are refreshed, energised and ready for the new academic year filled with EUGLOH!

2023. August 21.

We are excited to announce the 4th EUGLOH Annual Student Research Conference on "Pandemics and Global Health Crises”.

Abstract Submission Deadline: 17 September 2023

2023. August 03.

Orient yourself towards your studies at SZTE by attending the International Freshmen Orientation Days!

2023. August 03.

The photos of the Graduation Ceremony are available on the SZTE Alma Mater website (

2023. August 01.

The Faculty building will be closed between 05th and 20th August 2023, during this period the services will be suspended!

2023. June 19.

The Embassy of the Arab republic of Egypt in Budapest presents compőliments to the Ministry of Culture and Innovation - Department for International Relations - and has the honour to inform that the Al Azhar Al Sharif Islamic University offers 1 scholarship to students from Hungary to study Islamic Jurispudence and Religious Affairs for the academic year 2023/2024.

Deadline: 31st August 2023

2023. June 02.

THE launched its Impact Ranking based on the 17 SDG and the SZTE is ranked among the 100 Universities.

2023. May 31.

The aim of this newsletter is to summarise previous events andaccomplishments in the EUGLOH project, and to raise your attentionto upcoming events that might interest you.

2023. May 30.

Students taking part in a state-funded (including scholarship and part-scholarship) or fee-paying full-time undergraduate, master’s or undivided training program who have been, or were - during earlier studies - enrolled for at least two semesters and have earned at least 55 credits, may apply for a National Higher Education Scholarship.

2023. March 22.

What is the evidence and how to rethink educational approaches? - Online and free Eugloh seminar on March 28th, 2023.

You will receive a link to join the seminar after the registration.

2023. March 09.

Please note that the deadline for submission of the thesis is 24 April 2023 (Monday)!

2023. February 23.

Application deadline: 27/02/2023

The 4th-year students can submit their application to the Final examinations (being held in May-June, 2023) exclusively via Modulo (place: ETSZK TO/ Final exam application – ETSZK)

2023. January 10.

2023-24 Call for Application

2023. January 25.

The collaboration between Coursera and the University of Szeged is set to progress the advancement of higher education in Szeged. On January 23, 2023, Coursera's CEO, Jeff Maggioncalda, visited the University of Szeged to formalize the partnership and address the faculty and students in an opening ceremony.

2022. December 06.

The buildings of the University of Szeged, Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Studies will be closed on the following dates, 4/2022. (X.24.) no. on the basis of the joint rector-chancellor circular:

  • Building „A” (31. Temesvári krt.): 12.12.2022 - 05.02.2023
  • Building „B” (39-45. Bal fasor): 19.12.2022 - 05.02.2023
2022. November 16.

Application for the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme for the Academic Year 2023/2024 has started!

2022. October 27.

A sustainability rankings has been compiled for higher education for the first time this year by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) Rankings in the UK. Only three Hungarian universities were included in the ranking, one of which was the University of Szeged, which ranked between 381 and 400th overall. The University of Szeged also scored highly on the performance indicators used to compile the list: it was the best Hungarian institution in terms of the impact of education, sharing of knowledge, equal opportunities and quality of life.

2022. October 10.

Some plans can be postponed but not when it comes to higher education and gaining knowledge. Higher education is a main pillar of ones future and the University of Szeged is keen on providing quality education and expanding the horizons of internationalization.

2022. October 07.

Date: 11.10.2022., at 12.00 AM

Location: 31. Temesvári krt., Szeged (room 124.)

2022. September 20.
2022. September 06.

According to the admission and enrolment statistics for the academic year 2022/23, more than 1000 new foreign students will start their studies at the University of Szeged. Altogether, a total of almost 5000 foreign students study in Szeged from this academic year.

2022. August 25.

We would like to kindly inform you that The Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Studies University Matriculation day and the Ceremonial Freshmen's Oath : September 01, 2022 (Thursday) 08:30 a.m., Address: 6726 Szeged, Temesvári krt.31. (classroom 124)

2022. August 08.

Orientation Days organized by the Directorate for International Affairs and Public Relations of the University to welcome the newly arrived students each year.

2022. August 01.

We would like to inform you that according to the joint Rector-Chancellor circular the buildings of the SZTE ETSZK will be open on duty 01.08.2022 - 03.08.2022 and 18.08.2022 - 19.08.2022.

The building is CLOSED from the 04.08.2022 until the 17.08.2022.

We can be contacted by phone and email on duty. ( / +3662341816)

2022. August 01.

We would like to inform you that the photos and videos of the graduation ceremony are ready and uploaded.

2022. June 15.

The University of Szeged has been ranked the best Hungarian university in this year's Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) University world ranking. The result acknowledges the university’s outstanding national and international educational programmes, its research activity and artistic performance. The institution managed to maintain its 551st-560th position among a significantly higher number of nominees.

2022. June 01.

Students taking part in a state-funded (including scholarship and part-scholarship) or fee-paying full-time undergraduate, master’s or undivided training program who have been, or were - during earlier studies - enrolled for at least two semesters and have earned at least 55 credits, may apply for a National Higher Education Scholarship.

2022. May 17.

The elective course titled „Student rights in Hungarian higher education for international students” gives an introduction into the effective Hungarian law regarding the rights and obligations of the students and into the relevant university procedures and practice.

2022. April 25.

We wish to commemorate Dr. Éva Szél's personality, her teaching, training development and scientific and managerial work on the Annual Memorial Day.

2022. April 27.

Until 13th May, 2022 please give the recommended instructor’s name for the DIGITUS PRIMUS AWARD, the name of his or her course and a brief justification by filling in the following questionnaire.

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