According to the NM Decree 33/1998 (24.VI.), students participating in practical training in places of work and activities with special epidemiological significance must undergo a professional medical fitness examination.
It is the student's responsibility to obtain the medical fitness examinations required for the compulsory clinical practice in a timely manner and to present the results to the responsible mentor in the practice area. In the absence of a medical fitness certificate, the student will not be allowed to start the clinical placement.
Doctor performing the medical fitness examination: Dr. Tünde Vezér, PhD
Assistant name: Mrs. Andrásné Szekeres Katalin
Location: SZTE Szent Györgyi Albert Clinical Center, Family Medicine Institute and Clinic, Occupational Health Service
Address: 6721 Szeged, Kálvin tér 5., Specialist Clinic No.1 (left from the entrance)
Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 8:00-14:00
Booking an appointment for medical examination and receiving referrals is MANDATORY. Appointments must be requested individually by email or phone.
Phone numbers: 62/54-66-91 and 30/108-1793
(When sending an email, please include the following information: name of the student, faculty, training programme, year, social security number or date of birth, and your day and time preference for the medical examination)
Read the information related to the medical fitness examination >>>
Please also bring the following completed documents with you:
Health assessment questionnaire