About the Programme
Phyiotherapy is a very popular and highly sought-after profession worldwide. Physiotherapists can work in prevention, health care and rehabilitation fields.
The program is based on 7+1 semesters: 1-4 semesters beside others consist of basic subjects, professional theory and practice. 5-7 semesters include applied clinical physiotherapy knowledge and the last semester consists of different supervised clinical placements for developing professional skills. Being a practice-oriented profession the practical courses take place in small groups. During the study time students have the opportunity to get acquainted with special complex therapeutic methods.
Level of the programme: Bachelor
Duration of the programme: 8 semesters
Registered in: EU
Credits: 240
Who should apply?
The program is intended for students who plan to pursue a Bachelor of Health Sciences in Physiotherapy in English by completing this four year long course.
Application requirements
Submitted online application; Secondary school certificate, proficiency in English demonstrated at the entrance examination or proved with a language examination certificate (B2 level or equivalent TOEIC, TOEFL IBT, TOEFL PBT, TOEFL CBT, IELTS).
A written entrance examination and a motivational conversation. For further information please click on this link: http://www.med.u-szeged.hu/fs/entrance-examination
Start of the programme: September of each year
Tuition fee: 3300.- EUR / semester
Other fees: application fee + entrance exam fee: 300.- EUR
Nóra Klapcsikné Lengyel
Telefon: (62) 546-407
E-mail: english.etszk@szte.hu