Wednesday, 03 July 2024

Library Rules

1. General rules

The student ID validated by the Library and the visitor’s card issued by the Library as reader’s cards entitle patrons to use the holdings and services of the Library on site.

Coats, umbrellas, bags, bagpacks should be left in the Library. The Library will not take responsibility for objects, valuables left in the coats, bags.

Food and drink (with the exception of mineral water) is not allowed in the reading rooms

Order and silence must not be disturbed in the reading areas.

The computers of the Library can be used only for authorized services.

2. Registration

Registration is free. Required documents: valid ID card or passport. Registration is valid throughout the whole study at the Faculty till the end of the final exams. However, any changes of personal data (name, address, ID number etc.) must be reported.

3. Circulation policy:

In case of missing the deadline several times, or damaging or losing the borrowed books the Library may cancel, temporarily or permanently, partially or fully, readers’ eligibility for services.
The readers are fully financially responsible for the borrowed books, documents and have to give them all back in an intact state.
Making notes in the documents or truncating them, highlighting or underlining texts are forbidden.
Upon ending student status or quitting job one must return / hand back the borrowed documents to the Library

3.1.Who can borrow?

  • all full-time and correspondent students who are enrolled at least for one term for the Faculty.
  • Patrons can borrow books only his /her valid student card or librarys card.
  • the card is not transferable, each reader must use only his/her own card.

3.2. What can be borrowed?

  • every document in the Faculty Library the use of which is not restricted can be borrowed by registered users.

3.3. What cannot be borrowed?

  • periodicals, dailies, weeklies, year books, thesis
  • documents for local use (items shelved in the reading rooms),
  • (in the online catalog: “Locally usable”)
  • The books of Physiotherapist study program can be borrowed only by the lecturers and students of this program.

3.4. How many books can be on loan?

  • At a time for a one-month period patrons can borrow only 6 books. Users should return documents by the given due date,

3.5. Renewal

  • Before reaching the due date, borrowed documents can be renewed in person in the Library or through the Catalog or by email (address: giving the barcode of the readers’ card or student card number.

3.6. Renewal is not possible :

  • Any of his/her earlier loan is overdue,

4. Computer using

  • Computers of the Library can be used by only the registered students and teachers of the Faculty.
  • Computers should be used only for searching in library catalogues, getting information to study, lecturing, researching works and for word processing. Printing is not possible in the Library.
  • Games on the computers of the library or using interactive entertainment interfaces are prohibited.
  • In peak times computer using period can be limited.

5. Damaged and lost books

Readers are responsible for the documents they used. In case of damage or loss readers are obliged – according to the decision of the Library – to replace the document or compensate the damage.

The Library may request a compensation for damaged or lost documents the sum of which corresponds to

  • the acquisition price of purchasable documents,
  • in case of already not available documents to the fee of the second-hand bookshop value of the document or to the estimated, intrinsic value of the document or library may accept an other copy of the original

The Library may cancel, temporarily or permanently, partially or fully, patrons’ eligibility for services if library rules and regulation are broken.