Due to changes in legislation regarding entry from abroad, we notify you of the following.
According to the legislation in effect from the 1st of September:
Students who are entitled to stay in Hungary for more than 90 days, are allowed to enter Hungary, provided they present upon entry a valid official residence permit (or D type visa) issued by the Hungarian immigration authority, proving their entitlement to long-term stay. However, when entering Hungary, they shall also undergo special procedures.
All students need a Certificate to be able to enter the country which declares that the indicated person is a student of the University. In order to receive the Certificate you are requested to fill in our form. The form can be accessed on this link. Newly admitted students have to register to the Neptun Unified Academic System first on this link.
After completing the form, you will be able to download the Certificate instantly. We kindly ask you to have it printed while travelling, and if asked, show it to the respective authorities. If you are facing any technical issues, please read this article or send us an e-mail to arrival@szte.hu
Students without the aforementioned permits or visa (including EU and EEA citizens and students from visa-free countries) have to fill in and submit a “Leniency Application” at least 48 hours before the intended entry, in order to cross the border. Before completing the application, you have to download the Certificate mentioned above and attach it to the application. To access the form, please visit the following website: https://ugyintezes.police.hu/en/uj-ugy-inditasa and choose case „Államhatáron történő beutazáshoz méltányosság kérelem”. Select the form COVID 02.
Should any questions arise, feel free to contact us on our helpdesk for incoming students: arrival@szte.hu or on our information line: +36-62-546-800 available 24/7.