The summary-type dissertation consists of the collection and processing of current, relevant literature on the chosen topic. The completed dissertation is not a descriptive collection of the found literature, not its descriptive presentation, but means the analysis, interpretation and systematization of the explored literature, ie it critically analyzes the state of existing knowledge on a carefully defined topic.
It is important that the dissertation proves that its author was able to summarize the literature on the chosen topic, create a connection between the points of view, present complementary or contradictory scientific opinions, draw conclusions, comprehensively outline the given problem while revealing the author’s position and opinion.
Thus, this type of dissertation is a synthesis-like summary of the knowledge acquired on the basis of the literature, the perception and presentation of possible discussions and differences of opinion present in the literature, and the formation of an independent position on this basis.
During the preparation of the dissertation, it is key to provide detailed and thorough evidence on the chosen topic, based on a wide database, to present the evidence that supports or even calls into question the author's point of view on the given topic. The dissertation should also present the test methods through which the presented, compared data were generated.
The process and structure of the preparation of a dissertation based on literature review differs from that of a dissertation based on an examination.
The main chapters of the dissertation and their content requirements:
1. Introduction - Raising the topic, presenting the problem, providing a comprehensive picture of the chosen topic, outlining the present knowledge, presenting the significance of the topic.
Its purpose is to arouse the interest of the reader.
2. Main part - This will of course not be the title of the chapter. The chapter title is the title corresponding to the chosen topic, and then the information is presented in subchapters.
Content requirement:
• Presentation of current, significant results and views on the chosen area. Presentation and analysis of opposite results and opinions.
• Presentation, explanation of how the listed results shape our current knowledge on the given topic.
• A kind of summary of the presented studies, which contains the characteristics of the subjects and methods of the studies, their results (but not the step-by-step description of the research or study).
• Preparation of tables and figures to compare the results of the presented studies (if the high degree of similarity or identity of the study groups and methods allows for comparison), or presentation of the most important data from the original studies.
1. Conclusion and recommendation - Summary of the main points of the dissertation, presentation of the significance of the results, formulation of the remaining or emerging questions. Formulation of a recommendation e.g. for a future research, treatment protocol, etc.
2. Bibliography - At least 10 recent foreign language journals (not older than 15 years) published in the topic