Thursday, 13 March 2025

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2022. October 10.

Some plans can be postponed but not when it comes to higher education and gaining knowledge. Higher education is a main pillar of ones future and the University of Szeged is keen on providing quality education and expanding the horizons of internationalization.

2022. October 07.

Date: 11.10.2022., at 12.00 AM

Location: 31. Temesvári krt., Szeged (room 124.)

2022. September 20.
2022. September 06.

According to the admission and enrolment statistics for the academic year 2022/23, more than 1000 new foreign students will start their studies at the University of Szeged. Altogether, a total of almost 5000 foreign students study in Szeged from this academic year.

2022. August 25.

We would like to kindly inform you that The Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Studies University Matriculation day and the Ceremonial Freshmen's Oath : September 01, 2022 (Thursday) 08:30 a.m., Address: 6726 Szeged, Temesvári krt.31. (classroom 124)

2022. August 08.

Orientation Days organized by the Directorate for International Affairs and Public Relations of the University to welcome the newly arrived students each year.

2022. August 01.

We would like to inform you that according to the joint Rector-Chancellor circular the buildings of the SZTE ETSZK will be open on duty 01.08.2022 - 03.08.2022 and 18.08.2022 - 19.08.2022.

The building is CLOSED from the 04.08.2022 until the 17.08.2022.

We can be contacted by phone and email on duty. ( / +3662341816)

2022. August 01.

We would like to inform you that the photos and videos of the graduation ceremony are ready and uploaded.

2022. June 15.

The University of Szeged has been ranked the best Hungarian university in this year's Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) University world ranking. The result acknowledges the university’s outstanding national and international educational programmes, its research activity and artistic performance. The institution managed to maintain its 551st-560th position among a significantly higher number of nominees.

2022. June 01.

Students taking part in a state-funded (including scholarship and part-scholarship) or fee-paying full-time undergraduate, master’s or undivided training program who have been, or were - during earlier studies - enrolled for at least two semesters and have earned at least 55 credits, may apply for a National Higher Education Scholarship.

2022. May 17.

The elective course titled „Student rights in Hungarian higher education for international students” gives an introduction into the effective Hungarian law regarding the rights and obligations of the students and into the relevant university procedures and practice.

2022. April 25.

We wish to commemorate Dr. Éva Szél's personality, her teaching, training development and scientific and managerial work on the Annual Memorial Day.

2022. April 27.

Until 13th May, 2022 please give the recommended instructor’s name for the DIGITUS PRIMUS AWARD, the name of his or her course and a brief justification by filling in the following questionnaire.

2022. April 26.

We welcome you to the Professional Week of the Faculty!

2022. February 09.


Apply online to be part of the Greatest Community in Town!

2022. February 10.
Similar to each year, our institution, the University of Szeged holds an Online Open Day on the 2nd and the 10th of March.
2022. March 02.

The biggest healthcare hackathon, Hack&Heal is back, but this time in a hybrid format!

Application period ends on the 23rd of March!

2022. February 16.

The 4th-year students can submit their application to the Final examinations (being held in May-June, 2022) exclusively via Modulo (place: ETSZK TO/ Final exam application – ETSZK) till 7th March, 2022!!!

2021. November 08.

The Leadership of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Studies and the Faculty’s Student Council (HÖK) make the announcement of supporting Student Scientific Circle (TDK) activity.

2021. August 26.

For the first year students of the nurse and physiotherapist program.

2021. September 02.

This conference offers the opportunity to Master and Ph.D. students of the “European University Alliance for Global Health”, to present their research works on Global Health issues.

2021. June 02.

Students taking part in a state-funded or fee-paying full-time undergraduate, master's or undivided training program who have been, or were - during earlier studies - enrolled for at least two semester and have earned at least 55 credits, may apply for a National Higher Education Scolarship.

2021. June 29.

This conference offers the opportunity for Master and PhD. EUGLOH students, from all fields of Humanities and Social Sciences, to present their research works on Global Health issues. A 2-page paper needs to be submitted by 4th July.

2021. February 25.

We offer our counselling services for all active students of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Studies for free of charge upon registration.

2021. February 19.

Faculty of Medicine and School of Nursing Students Local Organizing Committee at Maltepe University is pleased to announce the call for papers for the international students' congress on "Covid-19 & Health" to be held at Maltepe University on MAY 10-11, 2021.

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